Lesson #1 Love the one you're in

        In my whopping 3 days of committing to a year without clothes, I have already come to a startling realization. I know what you're thinking, some people just walk in the light. My response to that? Yes, yes that is very true.
        My realization is that once I stopped thinking about clothes (what sales were going on that I wasn't taking advantage of, where would I find that pair of elusive perfect black flats, etc.) I spent a lot more time ENJOYING the clothes I already own and actually (prepare for your mind to be blown) WEARING THEM.
        Take for example the dress I wore to work today. This dress is my ideal dress: shapeless, striped, and long enough that I could hide all the Nutcracker children under it. I could be 9 months pregnant and no one would know. That's my idea of perfection in the shape of a dress! I love this dress (and it's fraternal twin in olive green) so much that I could wear it every day and not get sick of it.
        By the time this year long challenge is over, I'll probably have worn this dress at least 60 times. But instead of this idea bumming me out or boring me, this thought excites me! I'm going to spend days wearing something that's comfortable, versatile, and affordable. Now that's a dress I could commit to. Let the fashion show of my own closet, commence!


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