Lesson #3 Let It Go

         If you have spent ANY time with a tiny human (aka child) in the past five years, the phrase "Let It Go" sends chills through your spine. However, I felt this was the undeniable theme for my wardrobe this past weekend.
         First, I wore a black blouse that I hadn't worn in awhile to a party Friday night (see adorable picture above of me accidentally twinning with my friend Sarah). This blouse was tight, itchy, and uncomfortable the entire night. I felt like the Hulk just waiting to bust out (of my shirt). At the end of the night, I chucked the blouse into a Goodwill pile without a second thought.
         On Sunday, I wore a brand new dress to church with my parents. I bought the dress from a boutique called Roolee which I LOVE, unfortunately the fabric was itchy and tight. I spent the entire service counting down the minutes until I got to eat lunch and when I could rip off that damn dress and BURN IT. I will NOT miss online shopping, I've made soooo many crucial errors on that front.
         You may be asking, is there a point to all this babbling? Surprisingly, yes. My point is that every shirt that's too small, dress that's too short, and lonely left shoe needs to put in a bag and given away, sold, WHATEVER it takes to purge it from your life. Life is short, love what you wear, and the rest of it? LET IT GOOOOOOOO (cue Elsa).


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